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Jan 30, 2024
Posted by: admin

A Spiritual Odyssey: Discovering Tranquility at Shree Jogulamba Temple

In my previous blog you read how we reached Srisailam after visting Pithapuram and were lucky to have divine darshan of Shree Mallikarjun Jyotiling. In case if you want to read about our journey from the beginning you can click on the links given...

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Jan 29, 2024
Posted by: admin

एक आध्यात्मिक सफर : श्री जोगुलाम्बा मंदिर में शांति की खोज

मेरे पिछले ब्लॉग में आपने पढ़ा कि कैसे हम पीठापुरम की यात्रा के बाद श्रीशैलम पहुंचे और श्री मल्लिकार्जुन ज्योतिलिंग के दिव्य दर्शन करने का सौभाग्य प्राप्त हुआ। यदि आप हमारी यात्रा के बारे में शुरू से पढ़ना चाहते हैं तो...

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Dec 09, 2023
Posted by: admin

मल्लिकार्जुन ज्योतिलिंग मंदिर, श्रीशैलम- Part 4

यदि आपको याद हो तो मेरे पिछले ब्लॉग में हमने काकीनाडा बस स्टैंड से बस ली थी, और अपने पीछे पीथापुरम के खूबसूरत शहर की कुछ अद्भुत यादें छोड़ गए थे। (आप हमारी इस यात्रा के पहले भाग के बारे में पढ़ने के...

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Oct 25, 2023
Posted by: admin

Sripada Srivallabha Temple -My spiritual journey to pithapuram-part-3

You can read the first and the second part of this blog by clicking on the links given below: Kukkuteshwara Swamy temple (Part-1) Kunti Madhava Swamy Temple (Part-2) After visiting Kukuteshwar Swamy temple and  Kunti Madhav temple we reached our last...

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Oct 24, 2023
Posted by: admin

श्रीपाद श्रीवल्लभ मंदिर | पीथापुरम की मेरी आध्यात्मिक यात्रा -Part 3

कुकुटेश्वर स्वामी मंदिर और कुंती माधव मंदिर के दर्शन करने के बाद हम हमारे दिन के अंतिम गंतव्य पर पहुंचे, जो श्रीपाद श्रीवल्लभ मंदिर था। यह मंदिर श्रीपाद श्रीवल्लभ जी को समर्पित था, जिनका जन्म 1320 ई. में इसी शहर पीठापुरम में...

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Oct 10, 2023
Posted by: admin

कुंती माधव स्वामी मंदिर – पीथापुरम की मेरी आध्यात्मिक यात्रा -Part 2

. पीठापुरम की मेरी यात्रा पर ब्लॉगों की इस श्रृंखला के पहले भाग में, आपने पढ़ा कि कैसे हम मुंबई से पीठापुरम तक पहुंचे और हमने श्री कुक्कुटेश्वर स्वामी मंदिर के दर्शन किए। (पहला भाग पढ़ने के लिए आप इस लिंक पर...

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Oct 09, 2023
Posted by: admin

Kunti Madhava Swamy temple – My spiritual journey to pithapuram-part-2

In the first part of this series of blogs on my visit to Pithapuram, you read how we travelled from Mumbai to reach Pithapuram and we visited Sri Kukkuteshwar Swamy temple. (You can click on this link to read the first part)....

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Oct 06, 2023
Posted by: admin

श्री कुक्कुटेश्वर स्वामी मंदिर- पीथापुरम की मेरी आध्यात्मिक यात्रा (Part 1)

पीथापुरम की मेरी आध्यात्मिक यात्रा मैंने कभी सपने में भी नहीं सोचा था कि मैं पीथापुरम नामक स्थान पर पहुँचूँगा। असल में कुछ महीने पहले मुझे यह भी नहीं पता था कि ऐसी कोई जगह मौजूद है, हमारे एक मित्र है प्रतिक गाँधी...

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Oct 05, 2023
Posted by: admin

Sri Kukkuteswara Swamy Temple – My Spiritual Journey to Pithapuram (Part 1)

  My Spiritual Journey to Pithapuram I had never ever dreamt in my wildest dream that I would land up at a place called Pithapuram. Actually, a few months back I was not even aware whether such a place existed on this earth but...

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Jul 28, 2023
Posted by: admin

स्पीति यात्रा | पद्मा पैलेस-रामपुर बुशहर | भाग 2

 मेरे पिछले ब्लॉग में आपने पढ़ा कि हम अंबाला से नारकंडा कैसे पहुंचे और नारकंडा में हाटू माता मंदिर के दर्शन किये। पिछला भाग पढ़ने के लिए यहां क्लिक करें सुबह के 11 बजे थे जब हम हाटू माता मंदिर से निकले, मंदिर...

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Jul 28, 2023
Posted by: admin

Spiti Valley Trip | Padma Palace-Rampur Bushahr | PART-2

In my Previous blog (Click to read) you read how we reached Narkanda from Ambala. and visited Hatu Mata Mandir at Narkanda. It was 10 am when we left Hatu Mata mandir, while returning from the temple, the Mahila mandal ladies...

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Jul 23, 2023
Posted by: admin

स्पीति यात्रा | हाटू माता मंदिर | नारकण्डा | भाग – पहला

 . कुछ यात्राएँ ऐसी होती हैं जिन्हें पूरा होने में काफी समय लगता है, और यह विशेष रूप से तब हो सकता है जब आपकी बकेट लिस्ट बहुत लंबी और विविध हो। मेरी स्पीति यात्रा भी ऐसी ही एक यात्रा थी, जो बार-बार स्थगित...

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Mar 27, 2023
Posted by: admin

श्री कृष्ण मंदिर | उडुपी | कर्नाटक

. उडुपी सात तीर्थों में प्रथम स्थान पर आता है। कर्नाटक राज्य के भीतर स्थित, उडुपी जिले का गठन 1977 में हुआ था। पश्चिमी घाट और अरब सागर के बीच स्थित, उडुपी को परशुराम सृष्टि के रूप में भी जाना जाता है। जबकि...

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Mar 04, 2023
Posted by: admin

भुलेश्वर मंदिर

भुलेश्वर मंदिर मलसीरस में भुलेश्वर मंदिर एक छिपा हुआ रत्न है जो क्षेत्र के समृद्ध इतिहास और वास्तुकला के चमत्कारों को प्रदर्शित करता है। मंदिर की अनूठी डिजाइन और जटिल नक्काशी विस्मयकारी है और प्राचीन भारतीय कला और संस्कृति में मूल्यवान अंतर्दृष्टि प्रदान...

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Feb 26, 2023
Posted by: admin

श्री कोपेश्वर मंदिर | कोल्हापुर यात्रा | Day 2

मेरे पिछले ब्लॉग में, पहले दिन आपने पढ़ा कि कैसे हमने गगन बावड़ा में सुरम्य गगनगढ़ किले का दौरा किया, और बाद में शाम को प्रसिद्ध महालक्ष्मी मंदिर और रंकाला झील का दौरा किया। ब्लॉग पढ़ने के लिए इस लिंक पर क्लिक...

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Nov 01, 2022
Posted by: admin

कोल्हापुर यात्रा | महालक्ष्मी मंदिर | Day 1 (Part2)

मेरे पिछले ब्लॉग में आपने पढ़ा कि कैसे हम मुंबई से कोल्हापुर पहुंचे और बाद में  हम कैसे बस से गगनगढ़ किले और गगनगिरी  महाराज आश्रम गए। । यदि आप पिछला ब्लॉग पढ़ने से चूक गए हैं, तो कृपया इस लिंक पर क्लिक...

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Oct 30, 2022
Posted by: admin

Kolhapur Trip | Ambabai Temple aka Mahalaxmi Temple| Day-1 (Part2)

. .In my previous blog, you read how we reached Kolhapur from Mumbai and later took a bus to visit Gagangad Fort and Gagangiri Maharaj Ashram. If you missed reading the previous blog, please click on this link. Upon reaching the bus...

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Sep 19, 2022
Posted by: admin

कोल्हापुर यात्रा | गगनगढ़ किला | DAY-1 ( PART 1)

. कोल्हापुर की मेरी यात्रा एक आकस्मिक यात्रा थी। मैं काफी लंबे समय से घर पर था और इसी कारण से मन, जल बिन मछली की की तरह तड़प रहा था कि कहीं बाहर घूमकर आया जाए, उस पर यह मुंबई का सुहाना मानसून...

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Jun 07, 2022
Posted by: admin

सिक्किम-सीरीज | गुरुडोंगमार झील | Day- 4

हम लोग जब कल लाचेन पहुंचे तो हल्की-हल्की बूंदाबांदी हो रही थी। (यदि आप युमथांग घाटी की हमारी यात्रा का वृतान्त पढ़ना मिस कर गए हो ,तो आप इसे पढ़ने के लिए यहां क्लिक कर सकते हैं)। लाचेन पहुँच कर जब हमने अपने...

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Feb 28, 2022
Posted by: admin

गागरोन किला-झालावाड़-राजस्थान

पूरी दुनिया में अगर कोई ऐसी जगह है, जहां इतनी बड़ी संख्या में किले और महल हैं, तो वह राजस्थान होगा। यदि आप राज्य के किसी भी हिस्से में जाते हैं, तो मेरा विश्वास करें, आपको कोई न कोई किला आपकी प्रतीक्षा करते...

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Nov 09, 2021
Posted by: admin

सिक्किम सीरीज । लाचुंग-यूमथांग घाटी-लाचेन । Day 3

सिक्किम सीरीज को शुरू से पढ़ने के लिए यहाँ क्लिक करे . मेरे पिछले ब्लॉग में आपने पढ़ा ही होगा कि कैसे हम लोगो को अपना कार्यक्रम बदलना पड़ा और लाचेन जाने के बजाय हम लाचुंग पहुँच गए । हमारे आदरणीय दिवंगत पूर्व राष्ट्रपति...

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Nov 09, 2021
Posted by: admin

Sikkim Series | Lachung-Yumthang Valley-Lachen| Day 3

Click here to read this blog from the beginning  In my previous blog, you read how we had to change our program and instead of going to Lachen we ended up in Lachung!, but then one must be prepared for such kind of...

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Oct 23, 2021
Posted by: admin

सिक्किम सीरीज | गंगटोक से लाचुंग | Day-2

मेरे पिछले ब्लॉग में,(पिछला ब्लॉग पढ़ने के लिए यहां क्लिक करे ) अगर आपको याद हो तो, मैंने आपको बताया था कि मैं अपने होटल की बालकनी से सूर्योदय देखने के लिए कितना उत्सुक था, इसीलिए मैं सुबह के ५ बजे से हाथ...

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Oct 18, 2021
Posted by: admin

सिक्किम सीरीज | मुंबई से गंगटोक | DAY-1

कुछ यात्रा मुकमल होने में कभी कभी उम्र लग जाती है, मेरे लिए सिक्किम यात्रा उनमें से एक ऐसी यात्रा थी (क्या आप विश्वास कर सकते हैं कि मैं पिछले 11 वर्षों से सिक्किम जाने की योजना बना रहा...

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Apr 27, 2021
Posted by: admin

पद्मिनी या पद्मावती पैलेस | चित्तौड़गढ़

मेरे पिछले ब्लॉग में, चित्तौड़गढ़ की मेरी यात्रा के बारे में, आपने पढ़ा था कि कैसे हम दुर्भाग्यपूर्ण दुर्घटना के बावजूद सांवलिया मंदिर गए और अगले दिन यानी आज हमने अपने दिन की शुरुआत चित्तौड़गढ़ किले की यात्रा के साथ की, जहाँ हम...

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Apr 25, 2021
Posted by: admin


In my earlier blog, about my visit to Chittorgarh, you had read as to how we visited Sanwaliya Temple, despite the unfortunate accident and next day i.e. today we started our day with a visit to Chittorgarh Fort, where we visited the huge...

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Apr 01, 2021
Posted by: admin

Places to see in Chittorgarh Fort

Chittorgarh Fort has several interesting places spread over a huge fort which I had tried to cover in my different blogs. I am sharing the links of our Rajasthan Diaries below for your reference if you want to read them all. Rajasthan Diaries| Chittorgarh...

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Apr 01, 2021
Posted by: admin

विजय स्तम्भ | गोमुख कुण्ड | समाधीश्वर मंदिर- चित्तौड़गढ़

चित्तौड़ किले पर सदियों से कई बार हमला किया गया था, अंतिम रूप से मुगल थे। राजपूत वंशों को उनकी वीरता के लिए जाना जाता है और उन्होंने हमेशा आक्रमण के किसी भी रूप में मजबूत प्रतिरोध दिया। विजय स्तम्भ...

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Mar 18, 2021
Posted by: admin

Rajasthan Diaries| Mira Temple| Chittorgarh Fort

Let us pick up from where we left in my last blog. As I was leaving Rana Kumbha Palace at Chittorgard Fort, the cries of the women folks who committed Jauhar along with Rani Padamavati was still lingering in my ears. We now...

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Mar 17, 2021
Posted by: admin

राजस्थान डायरी | मीरा मंदिर | चित्तौड़गढ़ किला

हमने अपने पिछले ब्लॉग में  राणा कुंभा पैलेस देखा और  जब  मैं चित्तौड़गढ़ किले में राणा कुंभा पैलेस से बाहर निकल रहा था, रानी पद्मावती के साथ जौहर करने वाली क्षत्राणिओं की चीत्कारोँ को महसूस कर पा रहा था। जिस वजह से मैं बड़े उदास मन...

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Mar 13, 2021
Posted by: admin

राजस्थान डायरी | महाराणा कुम्भा पैलेस | चित्तौड़गढ़ किला | Day 2

मेरे पिछले ब्लॉग में आपने पढ़ा कि किस तरह से हमारा एक छोटा सा हादसा हुआ, जिसके कारण हमें पहले दिन चित्तौड़ढ़ किले की यात्रा को छोड़ना पड़ा और हमने केवल सांवरिया मंदिर के दर्शन किए। पिछले ब्लॉग और सांवरिया मंदिर के ब्लॉग को...

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Feb 28, 2021
Posted by: admin

राजस्थान डायरी | चित्तौड़गढ़ की यात्रा

लोग अक्सर मेरे और कई अन्य घुम्मकड़ लोगों के फेसबुक और इंस्टाग्राम की कहानियों पर मुस्कुराते हुए चेहरे देखते हैं और वे महसूस करते  होगें  ओह! यह  लोगों के तो मज़े  ही मज़े,पर मेरे प्यारे दोस्तों  यह केवल वह मुस्कुराहट है जिसे आप...

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Feb 28, 2021
Posted by: admin

सांवरिया मंदिर | मंडफिया

यह ब्लॉग मेरी राजस्थान यात्रा  का  हिस्सा है।  अगर आप मेरी यात्रा का हिस्सा बनना चाहते है तो इस लिंक पर  क्लिक करे।   सांवरिया मंदिर की कथा: किंवदंती है कि वर्ष 1840 में, भोलाराम गुर्जर नाम के एक...

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Feb 17, 2021
Posted by: admin

कांगड़ा किला

कांगड़ा किला – हिमाचल प्रदेश मेरे पिछले ब्लॉगों में आपने पढ़ा कि कैसे हमने डलहौजी-बादलों के शहर की यात्रा का आनंद लिया और फिर कैसे हम खजियार- भारत के मिनी स्विट्जरलैंड की सुंदरता से मुग्ध हो गए।    मेरे जोत पास...

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Jun 02, 2020
Posted by: admin

Dalhousie- A town in clouds – Day 6

We had a  wonderful time on the Khajjiar Ground yesterday (You can click on this link to read about our journey on the previous day) Today we had decided that we shall be going to Dalhousie, a beautiful town in the clouds. We...

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May 09, 2020
Posted by: admin

जसवंत थड़ा-मारवाड़ का ताज महल

अगर आप जोधपुर के मेहरानगढ़ किले का दौरा कर रहे हैं, तो आपको किले से कुछ किलोमीटर की दूरी पर स्थित जसवंत थड़ा का दौरा  ज़रूर करना चाहिए। जसवंत थड़ा सफ़ेद संगमरमर से बना एक स्मारक है जो  मेहरानगढ़ के जोधपुर दुर्ग के पास स्थित है। इसे सन 1899 में जोधपुर के महाराजा जसवंत सिंह द्वितीय (1888-1895) की...

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Apr 13, 2020
Posted by: admin

अग्निव्रुश मंदिर | सतारा की सड़क यात्रा

हमारे सतारा रोड ट्रिप के DAY-1 पर हमने निम्नलिखित 3 स्थानों का दौरा किया था। अगर आपको यात्रा का आनंद शुरू से लेना है, तो  ऊपर दिए हुए लिंक पर क्लिक कर के आप यात्रा का आनंद शुरू से ले सकते है।  DAY...

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Apr 05, 2020
Posted by: admin

पटेश्वर मंदिर | सतारा की सड़क यात्रा

हमारे सतारा रोड ट्रिप के DAY-1 पर हमने निम्नलिखित 3 स्थानों का दौरा किया था। Baramotichi Vihir | Road Trip to Satara | Part1 श्री भैरवनाथ मंदिर | सतारा की सड़क यात्रा अजिंक्यतारा किला | सतारा की सड़क यात्रा ...

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Mar 23, 2020
Posted by: admin

Ajinkyatara Fort | Road Trip to Satara | Part 3

Our road trip to Satara was proving to be very exciting and fulfilling because we had completed all the places that we were targeting to visit on the first day. If you were following our journey through my blogs , you must be knowing...

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Mar 23, 2020
Posted by: admin

अजिंक्यतारा किला | सतारा की सड़क यात्रा

सातारा की हमारी सड़क यात्रा बहुत ही रोमांचक और संतोषजनक  साबित हो रही थी क्योंकि हमने उन सभी स्थानों को देख लिया था जिन्हें हम यात्रा के पहले दिन के  लिए लक्षित कर रहे थे। यदि आप मेरे ब्लॉगों के माध्यम से हमारी यात्रा का अनुसरण...

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Mar 10, 2020
Posted by: admin

जैन मंदिर भिलाड़, गुजरात

7th March 2020 इस सप्ताह के अंत में हम ने सिलवासा जाने का फैसला किया था और हम अँधेरी, मुंबई  से वेस्टर्न एक्सप्रेस हाइवे से गाड़ी लेकर सिलवासा की ओर निकल पड़े, लगभग २ घंटे की ड्राइव के बाद हम लोग भिलाड़...

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Mar 06, 2020
Posted by: admin

श्री भैरवनाथ मंदिर | सतारा की सड़क यात्रा

मेरे  पिछले ब्लॉग में, अगर आपको याद हो कि हमने सातारा के पास लिम्ब ग्राम के बारामोतीची  विहिर का दौरा किया था, एक बार जब हम इस प्राचीन विहिर (बावड़ी ) की खोज के साथ संपन्न हुई , तो हमने अपने अगले...

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Feb 27, 2020
Posted by: admin

Baramotichi Vihir | Road Trip to Satara | Part1

Few days back I had been to Wai near Mahabaleshwar and I was simply enamoured by the beauty of the ancient temples set against the picturesque backdrop of clear blue skies, flowing river water and the rhythmic musical chimes of the temple bells....

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Oct 25, 2019
Posted by: admin

Trip to Amritsar | Wagah-Attari Border | Day 2 (Part2)

We were very tired as we were touring the Amritsar since early morning, you can catch-up on my earlier story on these previous blogs. Trip to Amritsar- Day1 Trip to Amritsar- Day 2 (Part1) Day-2   (Part-2) As you had just read...

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Oct 19, 2019
Posted by: admin

Trip to Amritsar | Golden Temple| Jallianwala Baug |- Day 2 (Part1)

DAY-2 (Part 1) Yesterday we enjoyed the grandeur of Qila Gobindgadh, followed by the ambiance of Durgiani Mata Temple. To read about our journey from beginning click on this link. Today we were finally going to visit  the famous Golden Temple...

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Oct 10, 2019
Posted by: admin

Trip to Amritsar – Day1

I was very excited because I was going on a long vacation of 9-10 days. Actually while planning for this trip I had laid out various options like going to Udaipur-Chittorgardh-Kumbalgadh-Kota or North East covering Arunachal Pradesh and Assam but then...

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Mar 31, 2019
Posted by: admin

Solapur in a day | Part 4 | Naldurg Fort

We were done with Siddeshwar Temple and Solapur Fort aka Bhuikot.( you can click on the links to read about our earlier journey) The next destination on our card was Naldurg Fort, which is situated around 50 kms away from Solapur. We started...

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Jan 02, 2019
Posted by: admin

Vipassana Golden Pagoda : Mumbai Darshan Series

  Our Journey:   We often visit temple on 1st Jan being the start of the new year to seek blessings of the almighty. This year however I thought I’ll make a slight change and visit the Pagoda instead of a temple at Gorai...

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Dec 17, 2018
Posted by: admin

Afghan Church | Churches Of Mumbai Series

Afghan Church, What kind of name is it ? Never in my wildest dreams I could have associated AFGHAN(Islamic Country) with CHURCH . Kishe ne sach hi kaha hai ki Bade bade shahero me choti choti baate ho jati hai 😜 I was really intrigued by...

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Dec 16, 2018
Posted by: admin

Haji Ali | Mumbai Darshan Series

Its now over 50 years that I have been staying in Mumbai. The financial capital of  India but yet within this financial capital there are some real gems of historical delight, architectural elegance and so many other facets that this city hides in its...

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Oct 08, 2018
Posted by: admin

Temple Trails | Airavateswara Temple | Day 3

  Yesterday we had a great time at Rameshwaram visiting the Rameshwaram Temple, some local temples, then visit to Dr Abdul Kalam memorial and we finished our day by visiting the fabulously beautiful Pamban bridge. You can click here to...

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Oct 07, 2018
Posted by: admin

Pamban Bridge | One of the most dangerous bridge

In my last blogs we visited Meenakshi Temple, Rameshwaram temple and Dr Abdul Kalam Memorial  we were now rushing in our auto to catch the setting sun view of Pamban Bridge. To Read about our journey from the beginning click here    People called...

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Oct 07, 2018
Posted by: admin

Temple Trails : Dr Abdul Kalam Memorial

After enjoying the spiritual bliss of morning at Rameshwaram temple and spending the first half exploring some other temples in and around Rameshwaram (you can click here to read about our journey from the beginning) it was time to give a break to temple...

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Oct 06, 2018
Posted by: admin

Temple Trails | Meenakshi Temple-Madurai | Day 1

My wife wanted to visit all the 12 Maha jyotilingam and in order to fulfill her wish, like a good husband I am constantly chasing Shiva temples across the country. (Ab yeh aur baat hai ki mai apne aap ko nastik bolta hu 😝😝)....

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Sep 20, 2018
Posted by: admin

Solapur in a day| Part 2 | Siddeshwar temple

In our first part of the blog we visited Solapur Municipal Building (click here to read part one) and a little walk of 100 metres and   we were at Siddeshwar Temple. Siddeshwar temple is in Solapur District and is very sacred to hindus and the...

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Aug 19, 2018
Posted by: admin

Rani ki Vav with Weekend Wanderer

Our visit to Modhera sun temple was simply out of the world experience for us . You can click here to read about Modhera Sun Temple.   It was 12.45 pm and the sun was hitting hard. We came out of the Sun...

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Jul 31, 2018
Posted by: admin


I was very disappointed when my trek to Garbett had to be cancelled due to my work commitments but luckily God has made Sunday after Saturday aur meri yeh holiday koi nahi cheen sakta mujhse and as incorrigible as I am, I started...

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May 24, 2018
Posted by: admin

Summarized History of Bijapur

Summarized History of Bijapur What was formerly known as Bijapur is called Vijayapur today.Bijapur city is well known for its historical monuments and their architectural importance especially the monuments built during the Adil Shahi Dynasty. Chalukyas of Kalyani established this ancient township in 10th...

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May 13, 2018
Posted by: admin

Rukmini Devi Temple | Dwarka | Gujarat Series

After visiting  Bet Dwarka (click here to read about our journey at Bet Dwarka)) and spending those enchanting moments with the seagulls chasing our boat till we reached Okha port was indeed a memory which shall remain embedded in my mind forever. Boats...

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Apr 26, 2018
Posted by: admin

Churches of Mumbai Series | St Thomas Cathedral

It all started when last month I came across an article in the MIDDAY newspaper. A three hundred years old church was celebrating its tri-centenary. Naturally I was all inquisitive to know where was this church, what was the history behind and as I...

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Apr 16, 2018
Posted by: admin

Rameshwar Temple | Chaul

  Sunday was around the corner,so naturally I had to plan something to satisfy my wanderlust. Thus I planned a day trip to visit Rameshwar Temple at Chaul, Kulaba Fort Alibag, and Revdanda Fort near Revdanda beach. During my last visit to Vasai Fort (click here to...

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Mar 27, 2018
Posted by: admin

Champaner Series | KEVADA MASJID | Part 4

      After getting chased by the Buffalo at Iteri Masjid (click on this if you want read my earlier adventure).I started to move towards the next monument,which was Kevada Masjid. I had the google map opened on my phone so I knew how...

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Mar 24, 2018
Posted by: admin

Chal Rang De | Palette of colours

A youngster with a dream400 people120 houses3 days Yes! Its time to do more now Result: Explosion of colours which wipe out the drab, doomed,desolate slum into a colourful canvas. Colourful canvas I often travel in Mumbai metro from Andheri to Ghatkoper Metro Station...

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Mar 18, 2018
Posted by: admin

Gudi Padwa | Festivals of India Series

Gudi Padwa Gudi Padwa is one of the most popular festival in Maharashtra because it marks the New year and the harvest season of Maharashtrians and Konkanis. This festival is celebrated on the first day of the month of Chaitra as per Hindu Calendar...

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Mar 04, 2018
Posted by: admin

Bet Dwarka | Gujarat Series

After our short and sweet sojourn at Gopi Talav (Click here to read about Gopi Talav) we boarded our autoriksha to go to Bet Dwarka, a journey of 19 kms to Okha port. Bet Dwarka is basically an island, In order to reach there...

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Mar 04, 2018
Posted by: admin

Gopi Talav | Dwarka | Gujarat Series

After visiting the Nageshwar Temple we were told by our auto riksha driver that there is a Pond nearby known as Gopi Talav (Gopi Talab or pond), a pond situated in Dwarka, After the lord Krishna moved to Dwarka, the Gopis of Vrindavan could...

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Feb 26, 2018
Posted by: admin

Nageshwar Jyotiling | Gujarat Series

Yesterday we visited some local temples of Dwarka( you can click hereto read the earlier blog), Today we decided to explore the temples which are on the outskirts of Dwarka city. Ceiling Of the Swami Narayan Temple visited during the local sightseeing yesterday. As...

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Feb 24, 2018
Posted by: admin

Dwarka | Gujarat Series

It was around September 2017 when  I last visited Gujarat  and I was simply zapped by the beauty of Champaner UNESCO World heritage site.( To know more about Champaner you can check my Champaner Series Blog.) The beauty of the ancient Mosques,Temples and stepwells stirred...

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Oct 22, 2017
Posted by: admin

Champaner Series | Iteri Masjid | Part 3

After exploring the Shaher ki masjid(Click here to read),I enquired with the the security guy as to where the other mosques are. He advised me to check out other mosques like Kevada Masjid and Nagina Masjid first and in the end finish my exploration...

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Sep 22, 2017
Posted by: admin

Jodhpur Dairies| Mehrangarh Fort-Gates | Part 3

Mehrangarh Fort : We had just finished exploring Sardar Market and Toorji ka Jalra ( Click here if you want to read the earlier post) , we  were so excited discussing the architectural marvel of  Toorji ka Jalra and as how animals and human roam...

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Aug 03, 2017
Posted by: admin

Jodhpur Diaries | Toorji Ka Jhalra | Part 2

After finishing the Sardar Market (Click here to read part 1) we came out from the gate opposite to the Nai Sarak gate. Immediately after coming out we inquired from the local shopkeeper as to where is Toorji ka Jhalra, Back gate of Sardar Market...

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Jul 30, 2017
Posted by: admin

Jodhpur Diaries | Sardar Market | Part 1

  Jodhpur Jinks:   I have been planning for weekend trip to Jodhpur for long. Luckily this time around my friend Nikhil and Pooja agreed to accompany me and my wife,so we were ready to hit the road (in our case rail). In India...

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Jul 10, 2017
Posted by: admin

Bhivgad aka Bheemgad Trek | Weekend Wanderer

Monsoons were at its best, lashing rains and cool temperature was making it all the more compelling for me to break the shackles of my heel spur and head towards the mountains.So the next thing I did was I called my Doctor and asked...

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Apr 16, 2017
Posted by: admin

Daman: Street walk

It all started at Kanheri Caves when I popped up the suggestion that I would be going for Daman exploration, Dr Ajay who like me is an avid traveler lapped up my offer and our program to visit was set. I asked few of...

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Apr 02, 2017
Posted by: admin

Shirgaon Fort, Palghar

Another weekend was round the corner and nothing was planned for the weekend wanderer within me so I thought let me try out something nearby, hence Sunday Morning I took 7;40 am shuttle train from Virar Station to Palghar because this weekend my destination...

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Mar 13, 2017
Posted by: admin

DurgBhandar Trek, Nashik : Part 2

We had just finished ourBhramgiri Trek(You can click on this link to read), the source of Godavari river. We rested a bit,snatching few moments for early morning breakfast which extended from chapatis to pickle and nimbu pani and tea.It was now time to move...

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Dec 04, 2016
Posted by: admin

Bhramgiri Trek-Part 1

The biggest happiness that one can derive is when an often failed plan materialises and becomes a reality, Some thing similar happened with me when most often my plan to Bhramgiri trek used to get cancelled. Four years I waited and finally it happened...

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Nov 22, 2016
Posted by: admin

Mamleshwar Temple

It was almost 5;30 pm when we finished with our omkareshwar temple (You can click on this link to read about the visit to Omkareshwar) darshan we moved towards the banks of river Narmada to take a boat and ferry across the other side...

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Nov 20, 2016
Posted by: admin


There was this long weekend coming so my wife and me decided to take advantage of that. She being a religious person suggested that we visit the Jyotingling of Indore and Ujjain. I been on a lesser side of religious beliefs was initially little...

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Jun 01, 2016
Posted by: admin

Kugaon Killa : Forgotten Legacy Series

Last week after exploring the submerged temples ofChandori Village(Click on this link to read Chandori Temples blog ) which not only left me awestruck but also pained.One may be surprised by this statement of mine but the fact remains that despite being such a...

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May 23, 2016
Posted by: admin

Chandori Temples: A Forgotten Legacy

Few days back there was this news in Times of India newspaper which I came across and  which set the ball rolling for my next exploration. The news was that in the village of Chandori, few temples which has got submerged under the Godavari...

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May 10, 2016
Posted by: admin

Coastal Odyssey: Gokarna Beach & Om Beach

The road journey that we had embarked on from Karwar to south of the the western coast was proving to be one of my best exploration adventure,I knew the beaches along the coast are very good but I had never expected to come across...

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May 01, 2016
Posted by: admin

Coastal Odyssey:Laxmi Narayan Mahamaya Temple

After been mesmerized by the hidden beauty of some exotic and lonely beaches of Karwar, a small town in Uttara Kanadda it was time for me to move on and explore the unknown which was only waiting for me to unleash myself. The...

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Apr 15, 2016
Posted by: admin

Mirjan Fort

To read our journey from the beginning Click here We had left early in the morning from Karwar and en-route just following the signboards we visited some amazing temples and beaches viz Gokarna Beach,Om beach Click on the link to read) etc.Coastal road journey...

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Mar 05, 2016
Posted by: admin

Fatehpur Sikri Series: Part 2

I was simply amazed as to how my time passed away strolling through the courtyards and corridors of this amazingJodhabai Palace.( Click on this link to read the earlier Part 1) The place left me spell bound.I came out from the large gate and...

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Feb 27, 2016
Posted by: admin

Fatehpur Sikri Series:Part 1

Last few days were very hectic for me, especially when the occasion was the marriage of my younger sister.As the marriage was in Delhi I decided to use it to the hilt, perhaps that was the reason that I decided to combine the marriage...

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Aug 04, 2015
Posted by: admin

Bhaskargad Aka Basgad

Though it was friendship day this Sunday yet none of my regular friends had planned anything therefore when late in the night I got call from Swapnali, I immediately agreed to join her for the trek to Bhaskargad Trek.( Honestly I am a sucker...

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Jul 02, 2015
Posted by: admin

Patta Fort aka Vishramgad Fort Trek

The monsoon had just knocked on the door of Mumbai and in the process it almost knocked out the city out of control. The whole city was converted into a huge water park where at a glance it looked more like city of Venice...

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May 10, 2015
Posted by: admin

Flamingo Watch at Sewri Mudflats

Let me confess at the outset of this blog that Iam no avid bird watcher nor a creature who can tell a difference between a parrot or parakeet.But whenever I used to see this lovely pictures of Pink Flamingos which my friends kept posting...

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Apr 24, 2015
Posted by: admin

Tung Fort Aka Kathingad

The Imposing Tung Fort Last week when we were going towards Korigad fort,I noticed this mountain top which looked quite imposing, upon inquiry I was given to understand that It’s Tung Fort. “Bas ab kya tha, Dil ne soch liya ki bahut jaldi is...

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Apr 11, 2015
Posted by: admin

Arnala Fort

My niece had come from Delhi to visit me and she wanted me to take her for a trek.Knowing that she had never trekked before and with mercury hitting at 40 C plus I was wary of going to trek with her, So I...

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Mar 08, 2015
Posted by: admin

Vajragad Vasai (Hira Dongri)

Few days back I got a call from my friend Shashi to get ready to go for trek to Vajragad. I said ok and disconnected the mobile, but suddenly I remembered that nowadays the entry to Vajragad is restricted so I called him again...

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Nov 09, 2014
Posted by: admin

Tak Mak Fort Trek:

Let me clarify at the outset of this blog that one must not get confused this Tak Mak Fort with the other Tak Mak of Raigad.Takmak Fort near Virar must be one of the least visited Fort,But for me anything connected to history has...

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Aug 29, 2014
Posted by: admin

Umberkhind Trek

“16 kms Sahaydri trek and you see no fort, Chhodna Yaar koi dusra trek karte hai ” Now that was the reaction that I got from my friend when I suggested that we go on a trek to Umberkhind. Honestly speaking if you are...

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Aug 17, 2014
Posted by: admin

Kashmir Great Lakes : Day 2

You know what is the best thing I like about Himalayan trek? It is the waking hours. All your best efforts are required to move your ass out of the coziness of the sleeping bag and in a bent motion come out of your...

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Jul 19, 2014
Posted by: admin

Kashmir Great Lakes Trek :Day One

Pic courtesy Balkrishna Damle “OMG! Not again ? “ now that was the reaction of my wife when I said that I am planning to do another trek to Himalayas. “Arre abhi toh Roopkund Trek kiya, aur kitne himalaya ke chakker lagane hai..aisa hi...

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Nov 17, 2013
Posted by: admin

Sagargad Trek

‘ALIBAG” – The moment you utter this word to a mumbaikar, his mind will explode with excitement conjuring images of Sea, beaches, seafood,boats,horse-cart,water-sport etc and you can almost hear him humming Lets party all night !!!However there is another interesting facet to Alibag. This...

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Sep 28, 2013
Posted by: admin

Nakind Tok via Kothaligad

Sunday was around the corner yet I had no intentions for goingtothe trek and I thought I would be resting at home.It was a chance chat on Facebook with Jignesh Lakhani that my trek to Nakind Tok via Kothaligad materialized.I smiled to myself “Betaaashish...

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Sep 07, 2013
Posted by: admin

Ahupe Ghat Trek

Flashback!!I still remember it was few months back when I was planning to do this trek to Ahupe Ghat I asked my friend would she like to come to ahupe Ghat. her first question to me wasMaine yeh naam suna nai…Kya hai udhar.I was...

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Jul 16, 2013
Posted by: admin

5 Minutes Thrill….Waterfall Rappelling.

“Agar Barish me waterfall Rappelling nahi kiya toh kya kiya”Well this thought prompted me to scribble few lines which goes like this, 5 Minutes of Thrill,But without a Pill.5 Minutes of High,And you can feel the Sky.Its very easy to dismiss waterfall rappelling as...

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Jul 09, 2013
Posted by: admin

Torna Fort Trek

“If Sinhgad is a cave then Torna is eagle’s nest” This statement by James Douglas was the start point which set the ball rolling and propelled me for the trek to Torna Fort. Torna was the first fort won by Shivaji at the age...

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May 02, 2013
Posted by: admin

If I can do…. so can you !!

I generally write on trekking experiences but this time I shall be writing my experience on cycling.The sports which I have never pursued with much interest( I think Mumbai roads must be thedeterrentfactor here).Last year I bought the cycle Hero Ranger with the expectation...

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Apr 24, 2013
Posted by: admin

Ankai-Tankai Trek

Pre-Trek Commotion: A trekker always have a wish list of the treks he want to do, similarly on mywishlistFort Ankai-Tankai was sitting right at the top. Unfortunately for some reason or the other this trek of mine constantly got postponed, that at one stage...

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Sep 04, 2012
Posted by: admin

Trek to Ulhas valley

Another sunday was approaching and my desperation for the trek was gaining momentum and upon that this awesome delayed monsoon was making itmandatoryfor me to be among the nature,luckily I had an invitation to go to Harishchandra gad.A dream trek for any trekker but...

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Aug 16, 2012
Posted by: admin

Asherigad Trek… An Independence Day Trek (2012)

I was still recovering from thedisappointment of cancellation of my trek to Matheran via Garbett Hilland over that this feeling of spending my Independence day confined to four walls of my house. I therefore decided enough is enough and whatever may come I am...

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Jul 17, 2012
Posted by: admin

Kothaligad/Peth trek

It sohappenedthat our last trek to gorakhgad was very memorable, specially on 2 count first it was a trek which we did on our own and secondly the cost to each person was very petty. This prompted me to the thought why not let...

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Jul 08, 2012
Posted by: admin

Irshalgad Trek

Whenever I used to pass the Karjat Highway I happen to see a peak with a hole kind of thing. I always wondered what peak is it and will I be able to go there. One day while passing from there I checked with...

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Jul 04, 2012
Posted by: admin

Gorakhgad Trek..a thrilling experience !!!

I can still remember very well .. It was my first trek to Karnala a year ago I overheard some one talking about this place called Gorakhgad and they had so many tales to narrate of this trek, its thrilling rock patch,ambience at the...

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Jun 26, 2012
Posted by: admin

Naneghat Revisted

Naneghat Revisted !!!It is not very often that I repeat my treks however some treks are so endearing that your heart yearns to revisit them, Naneghat is one such place which I would love to do over and over again. Perhaps this was the...

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Jun 18, 2012
Posted by: admin

Trek to Tandulwadi

Life has its own ways at throwing different stress at you sometimes it could be work pressure and sometimes it could be personal pressure however Life also throws in a long rope of hope for you in different forms, for me the first whiff...

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Apr 24, 2012
Posted by: admin

Trek to Korlai Fort,Alibag

Trek to Korlai Fort Since last few months the heat in mumbai is increasing day by day and the side effect of this is that my treks are getting all dried up. To brave this scorching heat and go for the trek in itself...

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Jan 03, 2012
Posted by: admin

KedarkunthaTrek Part1-by Aashish Chawla

Part One of Kedarkuntha Trek 21st Dec,2011,Time:5.30a.m.It is 5.30 am in themorningand I am wideawake, despite my sleeping very late last night. I could feel the pitch of excitement, Yes the feeling of utter estacy that I shall be venturing to the mighty and...

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Nov 28, 2011
Posted by: admin

Dhak Baheri Trek by Aashish Chawla

Friends very often it happens that we are waiting for a release of a big film and we are very excited about the same..brimming with high level of expectations but generally after we see the film most of the time theexpectations exceeds the...

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Nov 07, 2011
Posted by: admin

Kalvantin Durg Trek..By Aashish R. Chawla

After doing the Mahuli Trek I realised that trekking during the month of October heat could be a tough preposition hence I decided that I will wait till December to do the next trek. However after sitting out for one sunday I realised my...

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Oct 11, 2011
Posted by: admin


Mahuli Fort Trek…By Aashish Chawla For last few days I was getting restless to go on a trek and the worst part was that none of the group trek were suiting me as most of them were overnight trek… it is here that I...

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Aug 16, 2011
Posted by: admin

Naneghat Trek… oh !! What An experience !!!!

Independence Trek To Naneghat ….by Aashish R. Chawla So finally Trek It Easy(TIE) initiated this Trek…Place Naneghat…I was thrilled because this trek washappeningafter a big gap if we ignore the water rappelling event in between. Monsoon has its own magic and if that monsoon...

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Aashish Chawla
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